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Pamela Butchart

As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets, have a mum and dad who were bonkers, and go to The Best Most Awesome Primary School in the World™. As a student, Pamela’s student jobs included: fishwife, cheesemonger, basketball instructor in America, phlebotomist, and Artist Liaison for a really bad Abba tribute band. Pamela gained a MA in Philosophy from Dundee University and a PGDE at Edinburgh University, and is now a secondary school Philosophy teacher (which means she gets to spend all day pondering such questions as ‘How do I know I’m not really a robot?’) Pamela has always loved and collected children’s books, but she never thought she could write her own until her fiancé bought her a ‘How to Write for Children’ book for her birthday 3 years ago. She now owes him for life. Pamela gets her inspiration from her own childhood which was filled with broken metal detectors, mud pies, haunted primary schools, dinosaurs, exploding balloons filled with rice and crazy bedtime storytelling with her Gran. Pamela loves cats, Kinder eggs, funny babies, small dogs, tulips, cheese, dinosaurs, pyjamas and socks with sausage dogs on them. Pamela lives in Dundee with her fiancé, Andy, and their two awesome cats, Bear & Carlos. When she grows up she’d like to open a luxury hotel for stray cats. She thinks she’d call it ‘Meowington Palace.’